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Lean Supply Chain Management (online)
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Detailed Curriculum


First Week: 


  1. Supply chain challenges in the modern world
  2. Traditional and lean supply chain management (SCM)
  3. Volatility and uncertainty concerns
  4. From MRP to ERP
  5. APS
  6. The three drawbacks of traditional SCM
  7. Standard lean approaches
  8. Lean and traditional planning
  9. Preparing for lean SCM
  10. Lean demand

Accepting uncertainty

Aggregate demand

Response to real consumption


  1. Lean supply

Peak management

Constant production flow

Constant takt


  1. Lean synchronization

Simplified local tactical planning

Parametric planning

Transparency and cooperation


Second Week:


  1. Push/Pull replenishment
  2. Consumption-based replenishment
  3. MTO replenishment
  4. IRL
  5. Buffer management
  6. Modes of production
  7. Kanban and variations

Product wheels and benefits

Classical rhythm wheel

Breathing rhythm wheel


  1. High-mix rhythm wheel (H-M RW)
  2. Stock



Safety linked to demand

Safety linked to supply



  1. Calibrating the lean parameters
  2. Case study: Calculating IRL for H-M RW
  3. Case study: Calculating BM for H-M RW
