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Kaizen – Tools and Growth Method
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Kaizen is a philosophy, corporate culture and method for improving those processes that add value. The companies that introduce it make systematic efforts to achieve high standards. Kaizen's basic principle is continuous change. The improvement can be done in small increments, or as a radical process redesign.
Lately, Kaizen has been viewed more as a gradual growth method. This is perhaps due to our rapidly changing world, where constant improvements must be made in stride. The gradual implementation of Kaizen is in stark contrast to its "blitz" variant, in which teams lock up in a room and feverishly tackle a problem, or an opportunity.
This course examines the Kaizen's evolutionary adaptive model. It builds on earlier successful improvement models such as Lean and 6 Sigma. The key to continuous improvement is to maintain a permanent relationship between the customer and the strategic direction of the company.
The training examines a set of tools adapted for Kaizen. Among those presented and practically illustrated are techniques such as: the “pull” method, the 5S System, the 8 losses, the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) technique, the Baldridge Framework, QFD, Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and the associated Kanban Supermarket. A full-blown case study is dedicated to the presentation of the DMAIC method for solving a real problem in a real company.
The course also focuses on measurement with its three dimensions – capacity, process and results, and its importance in supporting Kaizen projects. Finally, the human side of Kaizen is specifically discussed. We take a look at basic human needs, Eneagram and Myers-Briggs personality classifications, and some aspects of group dynamics for improved leadership effectiveness.

Dates 13 - 26 September, 2024
Duration  2 weeks
Trainer eFLAG Trainer