Grading Policy
We have adopted the American grading system (Excellent = A, Very Good = B, Average = C, Fail = F). Grade ranges will be as follows:
90 – 100 % percent correct A
80 – 89 % percent correct B
70 – 79 % percent correct C
69% percent correct and less F
Upon successful completion participants in single courses will be awarded a certificate which makes reference to the course title(s) and grade(s) of the participant. Certificates of successful completion will be given to those who have grade "C" or higher.
Upon successful completion participants in the full program will be awarded a certificate of completion for the whole program which makes reference to all 4 program course titles and grades of the participant. Full program certificates of completion will be given to those who have grade "C" or higher for any and all of the 4 courses in the program.